All images unless otherwise noted © Nicole Jarecz 2010


Au Revoir!!

I leave tomorrow to see Kevin. I'm landing in Geneva, Switzerland and then I'll be off to Dole, France where I'll be spending most of my time. I'm hoping to show off my portfolio to some agencies/fashion houses while in Paris...and then its off to the south of France to enjoy the Mediterranean!

I hope to sketch while there and hopefully in August I will be posting some finished illustrations before classes start at CCS!

I hope everyone has a great summer!


Kassandra Heller said...

Wow! Have fun Niki and take lots pictures!

Nicole Jarecz said...

thanks kassandra :) i'll post pictures for everyone to see on facebook!

Ngianhormua Yang said...

i hope you have a great and safe trip nikki!!!!! and that is a sweet car behind you in that photo

Anonymous said...

Hey, this doesn't look like artwork...just kidding. I hope oyoure have loads of fun!!!! =) HI KEVIIIIIIIIIIN!!!!!!!!!