All images unless otherwise noted © Nicole Jarecz 2010


Red Glasses

Here is one of my newest pieces. I used my brush pen for the thick and thin black lines. But, I really wanted to play around with some brushes in photoshop to create the rest of the piece which makes it different than what I've normally been doing. I'm pretty happy with how this piece turned out...pretty loose but over all a fun piece to look at. Enjoy!


Kassandra Heller said...

Wow Niki this is great!

Nicole Jarecz said...

thanks kassandra! :)

Chris Houghton said...

This is awesome! To be honest, I'm not sure how much I like the added Photoshop stuff only because your ink work stands alone as beautiful! But that's great that you're messing around with traditional/digital. I need to do that more! Keep up the killer work Nikki.

Nicole Jarecz said...

hey, thanks chris! i wasn't sure about the photoshop either but thought it was fun to experiment with. see you soon!

RAL said...

Stunning. Literally. I am stunned.

Anonymous said...

same as GARANCE DORE that's not really creative to copy