All images unless otherwise noted © Nicole Jarecz 2010


Terrance Sullivan showroom opening!

Yesterday was the grand opening of the Terrance Sullivan showroom where I am not interning. There was a really good turnout and was a lot of fun. I'm really excited to be a part of the team - everyone is really great! All of my CCS friends came out to the event. (Thanks guys!!!) I'll be working with Terrance as well as Andrea (pictured above) on the design team! For more pictures, check out my facebook :)


Dodo said...

Love those apples in a row!

Nicole Jarecz said...

lol thanks!

Lions, Tigers and Fashion OH MY! said...

You are an amazing artist! Very nice technique you have...

btw I am from MI too ;)

Nicole Jarecz said...

hey thanks :) I just checked out your blog and its really great! Keep it up and i'm sure i'll be checking in every now and then :)

Delmy said...


Nicole Jarecz said...

Thank you for checking it out! :)