

United Nations Calendar

I was asked to collaborate with other illustrators from Colagene to the United Nations calendar. This time, 12 illustrators worked to illustrate the 12 months of 2012. This year's subject is about combating the effects on climate change and biodiversity.

The calendar will be given out to delegates at the big UN convention in Durban and the illustrations will also be part of an exhibition in South Africa.


  1. Anonymous19.12.11

    I love the illustrations these:)

  2. Everything about this is amazing. I love the tags attached to the bugs in the first picture - and the third picture is so chaotic, but in a strangely beautiful way that really kind of mirrors our world.


Salut! I appreciate all of your comments and will get back to you asap!

Note: I do not do free illustrations! This is my profession and I need to pay the bills.