All images unless otherwise noted © Nicole Jarecz 2010


Ladurée Macaroons!

I was really inspired by Laduree (French macaroon makers) for this illustration. Their colors and overall design of their packaging and shops is truly inspiring. I'd love to do work for them one day. I know they are normally classic and cute but I thought this would be a fun interpretation for their product. I think I'm sticking with the top illustration although I played with the second composition as well. Below is one poster I was inspired by.


Anonymous said...

wow! such a good illustration!!!

Friend in Fashion said...

Oh how lovely!
I adore macaroons & this illustration is almost lifting them straight off the page!

Friend in Fashion

AurėjaFėja said...

Lovely illustration :)

Chelsea Kirchoff said...

HEY! I just had LEGIT macarons TODAY! Made me think of THIS and YOU! <3

Alex Cooks said...

I love your creative take on Laduree’s aesthetic.